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What to Do If My Pool Turns Green? Let’s Solve This Together!

What to Do If My Pool Turns Green? Let's Solve This Together!

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Have you ever experienced the disappointment of getting ready to jump into your pool, only to find the water has turned green? This not only ruins the fun of swimming but also raises concerns about water safety. Don’t worry, this is a common issue and the solution is not complicated. Let’s explore how to quickly restore your pool’s clarity.

What to Do If My Pool Turns Green? Let's Solve This Together!
Regular testing and maintenance, along with proper disinfectant levels, will help keep algae at bay.

Why Did My Pool Turn Green?

The green color in your pool is primarily due to algae growth. Algae are single-celled plants that can quickly multiply in water, causing the pool to change from a light green to a deep green. This usually happens because the pool lacks sufficient disinfectant or chlorine to inhibit algae growth.

When the pH level is imbalanced or the water circulation system is not efficient, algae can proliferate rapidly. Warm climates can further accelerate this process.

How to Quickly Clean a Green Pool

To quickly clean a green pool, follow these key steps:

Scrub the Pool Walls and Floor

First, use a pool brush to clean the walls, floor, steps, and any other surfaces where algae might be attached. Scrubbing helps dislodge algae from surfaces, making it easier to eliminate them with chemical treatments.

Test and Adjust Alkalinity and pH Levels

Use test strips or a liquid test kit to measure the pH and alkalinity of the pool water. The ideal pH level should be between 7.4 and 7.6, and alkalinity should be between 100 and 150 ppm. If the levels are outside this range, adjust them first to ensure the chemical treatment will be more effective.

It’s best to perform the shock treatment at night when chlorine evaporation is slower and more effective. After treatment, run the filtration system for at least 8 hours, ideally continuously, until the water clears up.

Backwash the Filtration System

While running the filtration system, remember to backwash the filter regularly. This helps remove debris and dead algae from the filter, improving filtration efficiency. If the pool is still green or blue-green in the morning, repeat the shock treatment the next night.

Enhance Water Testing and Adjustments

Once the water is no longer green and becomes cloudy or clear, test the water quality again. Ensure the pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and chlorine levels are within the appropriate ranges. Add chemicals as needed to maintain balanced water. This will help prevent algae from growing again.

How to Prevent Algae from Returning to Your Pool

Now that your pool is clear again, you’ll want to keep it that way. Here are some preventive measures:

Maintain Proper Disinfectant Levels

Regularly test the pool water, at least once a week, ideally every other day. If the disinfectant levels are low, immediately add the appropriate amount of disinfectant or chlorine tablets.

Regularly Clean and Maintain the Pool

Clean the pool walls and floor regularly, and ensure the water circulation system operates efficiently. Including an algaecide in your regular maintenance can also be very effective in preventing algae growth.

Manage Phosphates

Although some people believe managing phosphates can help control algae growth, maintaining proper disinfectant levels and balanced water chemistry is more crucial. Phosphates are a food source for algae, but killing algae with disinfectants is more practical and effective than trying to completely remove phosphates from the environment.


Seeing your pool turn green can be frustrating, but by following the steps outlined above, you can quickly restore your pool’s clarity. The key is to act promptly and maintain balanced water chemistry. Regular testing and maintenance, along with proper disinfectant levels, will help keep algae at bay. With a bit of effort and the right approach, you’ll be able to enjoy a crystal-clear pool once again. Next time you’re ready to dive into your pool, you won’t have to worry about any unpleasant surprises!

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