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Introduction to High-Rise Swimming Pools

Clean pool after cleaning

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 swimming pool
The pool chlorine floater is automatically adding chlorine to the pool to disinfect it

Height of Floor

The floor height where the pool is to be built plays a crucial role. An ideal height for a high-rise swimming pool is typically above 4 meters from the water surface to the roof, ensuring ample space for air circulation and preventing a claustrophobic atmosphere. In cases where pools are added to existing structures with lower ceilings, around 3 meters, it’s vital to implement solutions like new air systems to mitigate the sense of confinement. On the other hand, excessively high ceilings can lead to increased heat loss and higher energy demands for temperature maintenance, especially in colder months. Innovative solutions, such as integrated thermostatic dehumidification heat pumps, can be utilized to maintain optimal indoor temperature and humidity levels.

Load Bearing of Floor

Pool Venue Size

The size of the pool venue should be in line with the type of pool being constructed. A standard competition-size pool requires about 3000 square meters, including the surrounding area and equipment room (approximately 100 square meters). For smaller pools, like those in fitness clubs, the space requirement reduces to around 450 square meters, with the equipment room occupying about 25 square meters. The overall size should be balanced with the availability of space and the integration of necessary facilities and amenities.

Swimming Pool Waterproofing


Constructing a swimming pool in a high-rise building is a complex but rewarding endeavor. It requires careful consideration of various factors, including structural capacity, spatial requirements, and waterproofing. By adhering to these conditions, developers and property owners can create a safe, enjoyable, and aesthetically pleasing aquatic environment that enhances the value and appeal of high-rise buildings.

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