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Ineffective Pool Cleaning Despite Chlorine Tablets – Root Causes

Chlorine tablets

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Chlorine tablets
Chlorine tablets are a common choice in pool disinfection,

Insufficient chlorine concentration

Insufficient chlorine tablet delivery: If the amount of chlorine tablets added is insufficient, it will not provide sufficient chlorine concentration for effective disinfection. Make sure to add the appropriate amount of chlorine tablets according to the manufacturer’s recommendations or professional water quality test results.

High water temperature: A high temperature environment may accelerate the volatilization of chlorine, resulting in a decrease in chlorine concentration. In the hot season or when the water temperature is high, it is necessary to increase the amount of chlorine tablets.

Chlorine tablet quality issues: Low quality or expired chlorine tablets may result in inadequate chlorine concentrations. Use fresh, standards-compliant chlorine tablets and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when storing them.

Inadequate circulation and filtration

Filter system failure: Pumps, filters, or other components in the filter system may be faulty, affecting the flow of water and the effect of filtration. Check all parts of the filtration system regularly and repair or replace any faulty parts.

Improper running time: If the filtration system runs too short, it will not be able to filter the entire pool’s water frequently enough. Ensure that the filtration system runs long enough to circulate and filter the water during multiple periods of the day.

Clogged filters: Filters may become clogged due to the buildup of contaminants, reducing filtration effectiveness. Clean or replace filters regularly to ensure proper operation.

Uneven water circulation: Uneven water circulation may result in inadequate filtration of water in some areas. Adjust the direction of the water flow or add additional nozzles to ensure good water circulation throughout the pool.

Excessive pool usage: When the pool is overused, the circulation and filtration system may not be able to meet the demand. Consider adjusting uptime or upgrading equipment to accommodate higher usage.

Insufficient chlorine stabilizer

Chlorine may be photolysis under sunlight, and the addition of chlorine stabilizers helps to slow down the degradation process of chlorine. Ensure sufficient chlorine stabilizer to improve chlorine stability.

Sunlight exposure: Ultraviolet rays in sunlight will accelerate the breakdown of chlorine and reduce the concentration of chlorine. In sunny areas, make sure to use enough chlorine stabilizers to slow the effects of UV light on chlorine.

Expired chlorine stabilizers: Chlorine stabilizers usually have a certain shelf life, and expired products may lose their effectiveness. Use a fresh chlorine stabilizer and check the production date and shelf life of the product at the time of purchase.

Inappropriate placement of chlorine tablets: If chemicals containing chlorine tablets are used at the same time, they may interact with chlorine stabilizers and reduce their effectiveness. Read product instructions before using chemicals to make sure they are compatible.

Interaction of multiple disinfectants

If several different types of disinfectants are used at the same time, they may interfere with each other and reduce the effectiveness of disinfection. Be sure to clean up other remaining chemicals before adding chlorine tablets to avoid interfering with each other.

Chlorine interacts with oxidants: If chlorine and other oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide or ozone, are used together, they may react and consume each other. This reduces the effectiveness of chlorine, resulting in bacteria and other contaminants not being effectively removed from the water.

Incompatibility of different types of disinfectants: Certain chemicals may adversely affect other disinfectants, leading to chemical instability. When choosing disinfectants, make sure their ingredients are compatible to avoid unnecessary interactions.

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